You can try out 14-days free trial upon sign up and you will not be charged while in trial period. We never ask for details while your are in trial. After 14 days your trial will automatically get expire and you will no longer able to save and operate our panel like before except profile, users and subscription page.
When your 14 day free trial period expires, you will be asked to create a paid subscription on the Subscription page of your Leadxen account to continue using the service. You will be charged monthly approximately 30-days from the date you make the first payment.
If you decide not to continue on the plan you picked for your 14 days trial, your account will remain disabled and will be deleted automatically after 30 days of expiry. If you want to cancel it immedeately then please contact our support team.
You can cancel your account at any time simply by logging in, going to the Subscription page and clicking the "Cancel Account & Subscription" link.
If you opt to pay once a year in advance, there is no part refund if you decide to stop using your account during the year. Once you pay for a year upfront your account will be live for 12 months. After the 12 months you can either re-new for a whole year, pay month by month.