Introducing New Goals for New You!
By Macwill on August 9th, 2017 | Product Feature & Updates
Two new newly baked fine features from our development road-map have just served out recently. Its related to your team goals you set in Leadxen. We’ve introduced two new goals which we sure will benefits you more out of the Actions and a optional module Payments.
Actions Goals
No more insights report to watch out for your team now you can simply give the goal to your team for total number of actions counts for different periods e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. The functioning is same like other goals and will produce a table as well while viewing with total goal given and achieved value.
Lets suppose a use case:
So if you have business where total number of calls, meetings/visits or emails counts to your team performance e.g. Telecaller have calls targets for which you can give the same in action goal.
Payments Goals
This goal will turn on only when you enable Payments module form settings. If you were the most out of those clients which make partial payments and just want to make those in goal counts other than Leads revenue total amount win value then this goal will suits that seat well. You can give both goals of revenue and as well payments. Both will work together and will be separately counted. The complete details of leads you can view under Insight reports in Users Payments Total Report.
Lets suppose a use case:
Suppose you have those services or products where you take partial payments before finalizing (mark as won) any lead so that lead must be in open state with total value of total service or product. But as you have already collected some part of total amount so previously in revenue goals that wasn’t counting in to individual achieved value.
So payments module comes where you can now give goal based on total of partial payments collected so you can simply focus what is being actually achieved and be fair with your team as well.
Keep motivating your team! 🙂