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Leadxen for Overseas Education & Immigration Company – Setup Guide

By Macwill on April 26th, 2018 | Case Studies
Leadxen CRM for Immigration Company

Now these days immigration consultancy are on boom and helpful in the best way to go abroad for study, settle, tour and much more. Thousands of inquiries, phone calls these consultants receive every day. It is very difficult to save records or remember all inquiry & contact details of customers or students, case follow up, payments and documentation. The sales process need not be complicated if you have the right tools to help your team. So, for all these Leadxen can be setup in a way to also help Immigration companies to manages all team and counselor for cases, documents, emails, follow ups, notes, payments and many other things.

Benefits of Leadxen for Overseas Education & Immigration Services

  1. Your Data will be Centralized
  2. Never miss any Follow Up (Email, Call or any Task)
  3. Attach Notes, Emails & Files
  4. Complete Case History
  5. Immigration Assessment Form Integrated
  6. Quick Search engine of your cases
  7. Track your team activity & performance
  8. Insight reports daily, weekly, monthly or annually
  9. Automatic email summary

Leadxen is lead management software facilitate to manage cases or leads, tracking their activities and behavior, qualifying them, giving them constant attention to make them sales-ready, and then passing them on to the team. It is the more helpful for immigration service consultant for managing whole immigration work like as visa filing records, follow up with respective embassies, apply for PR, work visa or study abroad, documentation records and much more.

Data privacy & security

We know that how much the data of their customers and other significant details are so important and security is also matter. So we make sure and assure that we don’t share your account data or any information. For more details your read our privacy policy page which should clear all your worries and doubts. Your data is safe with us and you can simply rely on us.  Also we provide 30 days backup and export for all accounts in case you need it. For more information you can read our security page.

Setup Leadxen for Immigration Business

This is just an example of basic needs in any immigration company but surely if you have better setup ideas then you can carry on with your. That is the beauty of Leadxen. We are assuming an immigration consultant office in India. 


Administrator can change setting according to his own requirements. In right hand side click on user name and click “System Settings”. Most of the settings are good to go by default but there are some special modules which you can turn on.

Immigration Assessment Form

You can enable assessment form, can add the title name and assessment tag line. This will allow you to access Immigration Assessment Form which can directly create the case from it and can store all certain information wherever that case or lead goes. Click on the below image to view how it looks like.

Leadxen Immigration Assessment Form
Click to view

By filling the above assessment form it will will attached to the corresponding case or lead created and also can be printed out. You can edit the form values anytime during the case life cycle.

IP Binding

For security measure you can also restrict your account to access on limited IP addresses which will ensure that no one (except administrators) can access your account from unauthorized IP. This feature does require static IP address within your working area.

Stream and Milestones Setup

Every business needs to track and manage opportunities from initial contact through to completion with sales pipeline that powers many successful businesses. Leadxen provides a simple drag and drops sales pipeline management tool, a central interface where you and your team can manage sales opportunities through to a successful conclusion.

If you have account, then sign in or use 14 days free trial account.

You can create different multiple streams with the name of your services. We are taking streams examples below as a generic workflow but you can always customize your stream according to your workflow.

  1. Study Visa – For those cases which are applying for Study Visa.
  2. Permanent Residency – For those cases which are applying for PR.
  3. IELTS / PTE – For those leads which are interested for English education classes.
  4. Sales / Tele-calling – This stream will collect all the initial contacts or tele-calling leads which comes directly or could be interested for any of our services.
Study VisaDocumentationCollect required and applicable documents stage
Offer Letter/ Invoice ProcessStage where offer letter is in process for student from Universities applied
FilingCreate file for lodging in Embassy
Under EmbassyThe case is under decision pending with Embassy
Visa GrantedWhen Visa received
Refund ProcessApply for refund if for any reason get Visa or process refused
Permanent Residency


DocumentationCollect required and applicable documents stage
Skill AssessmentInitial step for assessment for Visa
Applied for InvitationInvitation waiting period
Invite ReceivedInvitation to apply Visa has received and pending to lodge file in embassy
Under EmbassyThe case is under decision pending with Embassy
Visa GrantedWhen Visa received
Refused CasesCases for refund if for any reason Visa or process got refused
IELTS / PTEProspectInquiry for English classes
Follow UpFollow up for interested prospects
ConfirmConfirm the English tuition required
ClosingClosed the inquiry
Sales / Tele-callingProspectProspect leads for any inquiry
Follow UpFollow up for requirements
WarmInterested and in negotiation
ClosingScheduling next process

Give the name of the stream and add milestone and click on add button and Now you have successfully created a stream.Click on Add New button for add new stream. Give the name of your stream, for example, we add new stream with the name of Study Visa. You can create more stream as your requirements.


Products are represented to how many types of visa that you are providing to your customers. If you have rights then you will find the products master section in More > Products. We have created these products for our assumption:

  1. Australia Study Visa
  2. Canada Study Visa
  3. German Study Visa
  4. Canada PR
  5. Australia PR
  6. PTE
  7. IELTS


Source defines the actual origin of the case or lead from where it comes to us. If you have rights then you will find the sources master section in More > Sources. We have created these for our assumption:

  1. Google
  2. Paid Campaign
  3. Facebook
  4. YouTube
  5. Website
  6. TV Ad
  7. Newspaper Ad
  8. My Associate

Custom Fields

You can add custom fields in lead creation form according to your requirements if existing fields aren’t enough for you.You can create custom fields in Setting > Fields. We have created these for our assumption:

  1. IELTS Score – number field for entering English proficiency test core
  2. PTE Score – number field for entering English proficiency test core


Tags are used for filter and identify any particular case or lead. If you want to prioritize or highlight to remember anything of case then you can assign tags to those cases. You can create custom fields in Setting > Tags. We have created these for our assumption:

  1. Payment Pending
  2. Refund Applied
  3. Diploma
  4. Accommodation Arranged
  5. Airport Pickup Arranged

Case or Lead

in this case the Lead represents your customer case or even lead as well. It will be according to the nature of tasks your performing on it. Click on Create or + Button for create case or lead. You can also create above directly from Assessment form which would have all possible fields required to gather detailed information like education history, academics details, English tests’ scores, funds details for investors Visa and many more.

We create an open case or lead to fill initials and then assign the case to responsible employee who is going to take care of the next stage in your stream process.

Set Goals

In goal section, you can select and assign the goal for your team member. You can set four different types of the goal such as Revenue goals, Lead won goals, Action total goal, and Payments total goals as well.

Generate Annual/Monthly revenue report

The reporting is the most important feature of the Leadxen for immigration services. You can manage all report of every employee like as how many won leads, lost leads, all action report performed by an individual employee, revenue reports, leads reports, activity report and much more.

That was all and one time task for you now sit back and make your employee run through it and focus more on your business growth.

Some of our Immigration Customers

Contact us if you need any support or guidance. We will help you implement Leadxen according to your work flow. Our team will reach you out for easy & quick setup.

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